Not getting good feedback at work?
Looking for ideas on how to improve your shooting?
Just want somebody to check out your tape?

sign up for a CRITIQUE

In our continuing attempt to make this site a better place to learn and exchange ideas, we're proud to offer the CRITIQUE service.

Simply fill out our form, and we'll e-mail you the contact information of a qualified "CRITIC" who will look at your tape and offer advice, suggestions... and praise.

Send your CRITIC 4-5 stories on a VHS tape, with a brief explanation of your career history and the stories behind your supplied stories. Within a month or so, your CRITIC will e-mail a CRITIQUE back to you. We're sorry, but your CRITIC will not be able to mail your tape back to you.

The service is FREE, and offered solely to help improve the dialog between photographers. This is not only for new shooters. We hope everyone can benefit from swapping tapes and dicussing quality shooting.


We're building a list of CRITICS, so if you have at least 5 years of experience in the business, fill out our CRITIC form.

We'll contact you and get the ball rolling to make you a CRITIC.

You'll might even learn more watching someone elses tape.


Thanks to all of our CRITICS and everyone else who helped get this project up and running!

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