From: J.D Dworkin WPIX-11 NY
Need a little bit of extra nat sound but your station doesn’t have good mic equipment? Try this trick and see what happens.
Go to your nearest water cooler and take a few of those cone cups. Cut the cone tip off the bottom of one. Take your simple little lav mic and put it inside the hole. Now… role. Yep, your done. An extra bit of ambient sound for the nat sound of a packages. It is cheap, easy and doesn’t hurt your back when you carry it around. It will pick up almost everything too.
If your out in the field and have access to one of those orange cones for construction, well, that works even better! Take your larger microphone and put it in the hole. All you have to do is aim it to the direction you want to pick up sound. You will be amazed at what you get. Have fun!!!!!