
December 21, 2011 photog blogs
We were doing live shots in the snow about a week ago.  Lots of things have happened since hen, but I’m so wrapped up in little activities like preparing for the holidays that my normal lateness is turning into “super holiday lateness”.
We got saved from a fate of liveshots from the drafty cold bridge (just past Gorman) to cover a big big-rig accident on he 5 near the 14.
Something like seven trucks were involved.  One truck jacknifed and six other truckers were gonna be late because of it.
Luckily nobody got hurt, but the trucks involved all suffered moderate to heavy damage.
The truck portion of the 5 was blocked, but “late” is a lot better than dead.  This accident happened just a couple of miles for where several people died when  a similar accident caused a fire.
That was one of the things I kept thinking about while I walked along the roadway in the rain.
We did a live shot for the 11pm newscast.  I got to go home at the end of the night instead of getting snowed in at the Flying J truck stop.  I got to walk along the freeway in the rain ( for some odd reason, I find this kind of fun).
Not a bad night.  Worse for the folks involved in the crash, but not bad at all.