Points to Squander…

December 13, 2011 photog blogs

Shrunk the IdFunny how a single TV camera can turn a bustling post office into a barren wasteland…

Odd how those protestors stop chanting the moment I drive away…

Eerie how a bag full of dead camera batteries can cause an entire freight train to derail…

Scary how much that Black Friday piece resembled the last sixteen I did…

Strange how that kid yelled “Hi Mom!” just before he flipped me off…

Spooky how those people with the golden shovels think this is real life…

Typical how a reporter who phones in every other assignments spends three months crafting his Emmy entries…

Baffling how they set the podium in front of that plate glass window…

Ironic that a woman with so much gravy on her teeth insist on being interviewed…

Weird how unsatisfying writing lists can be…