This week we lost another member of the CBS2/KCAL9 family. Chuck Hollis passed away and even though he’d been gone from the newsroom for a number of years, I always half-expected for him to just show up for work one day and start doing his job again without missing a beat.
Chuck worked on our assignment desk for a number of years and he was legend long before I got to work news in Los Angeles.
There are people who could do a much better job of eulogizing Chuck Hollis than me. Many of the current managers working at our station started out learning the ropes from Chuck and he had more than a few photographer drinking buddies.
I’m just thankful for having had the opportunity to work with him at all.
Having worked in the field as a reporter, Chuck brought a wealth of knowledge to his job on the assignment desk that you just don’t see much of anymore.
There are sure to be better detailed remembrances of Chuck Hollis in the coming days. With his passing, these were just my first thoughts that I wanted to share.
Like I said, there are people who would be better at eulogizing Chuck Hollis, I’m just one of the many working in news saddened by our loss and maybe one of the few who might help bring out a smile reminding people of the happier times in his life.