Yeah, I changed the title of the post because it was the 1915 Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Turkish people that was being protested.
It was another day of walking with tripod and camera for several blocks. Two things that I want to remember about this day:
First, I was so very happy they marched in a wide circular route. We followed for a ways then turned around and waited for the protest to return to their starting point. It could have been much worse for me.
Second, I keep telling protestors that they should occupy something.
Pfft. Nobody marches anymore.
Oh, and a third thing, the protest later that day was blown out of the newscast by a high speed chase. I’m thinking they would have gotten way more coverage by painting their vehicles with slogans, filling up the tank and running from some cops.
Okay, not a good idea, but we’re just brainstorming here.