. . .or Silverlake ( as the case may be).
I miss writing and as much as I enjoy any of my other diversions, writing has always been my first love. Sorry, beer.
I say this because it’s been a few days (okay, maybe weeks) since my last posting to the blog. Kind of feel bad about that, in part because I am still humbled by the interest people take in the parts of my life I share on-line and in part because I know that the less I write, the less of a writer I become.
The pink Corvette belongs to Angelyne. Google her, if you don’t recognize the name. I was having lunch with my buddy, Keith Boyd at the eatery named and proclaimed “Good” when she made an appearance.
My only camera was my phone and I could have snapped a picture of her self as we enjoyed the “Good” house beer and a better than “Good” appetizer platter.It wasn’t the time for a photo.It seemed like it might have been bad manners to interrupt her meal, meeting or whatever it was that she was having (plus I’ve taken her picture before).
This was on Sunday and today (as I write this) is Tuesday.
(sigh) I’m convinced a simpler life doesn’t happen randomly. It must be by design and is possibly a prize to be fought over.I’ll work on that, but now it’s time to go to the real job. I hope for a “Good” story every day, but that’s only because I like the food.