Sorry to disappoint the person from the Sinclair station who visits the NPPA category quite often, but I don’t have much historical NPPA stuff at the moment asides from some early 1960s magazines that are not worth the bother of doing much with on this site since they are all about stills (big surprise there…NOT!).
But so you don’t leave empty-handed, I can offer two things NPPA related:
First one is a great big what the hell? from 1957 (remember, its a chick running this site). A newsreel story of the NPPA’s then annual beauty pageant at their national convention that took place in Washington D. C. instead of raw footage like I posted a few months ago.Though I guess it is strangely appropriate since beauty contests was the clichéd newsreel story.
And the second. You can see some of Charlie Mack’s stories he shot from the early 40s that were rota pool stories. (and if any readers of this blog post have no idea who Charlie Mack is, he’s seated third from the right in the photo at this link.)