Go Lakers. . .wait. . .

June 15, 2012 photog blogs

It was a long day yesterday. The Kings won the Stanley Cup and the city threw a parade in their honor.

Coverage of the big celebrations and parades that follow a major sporting win are always grueling. My day started at 2:30am and didn’t end until 4:30pm.

That’s why personally I’m always happy to see the home teams make it to the finals, but secretly kind of hope for a loss when it comes down to the championship.

I’m just being honest, it’s because I’m beginning to hate covering the victory parades.

I suppose it’s not too bad.

Depending on where I’m assigned, my day sometimes can be relatively pain free.

Being stationed out along the parade route in the middle of the crowds is usually a more difficult position (okay, cue the screaming fans). Running a microwave truck behind police barricades?

Much better.

Also an easier place to snap a few photos.

I’m not the biggest fan of hockey.

I just love being where history making events happen.

And I also love a good confetti canon.

(I mean, who doesn’t love a confetti canon?)

So, if you add up all the things there were to like about being assigned to covering the parade. . .

. . .the lack of sleep and long hours are pretty minor considerations.

A lot of people went to work yesterday and did the same thing they’ve always done.

Me? I went to work and I got to witness a small part of history.

You could probably say, I also did what I’ve always done.

Go somewhere and see something very cool that most folks only get to see on TV.

That’s my life as a news photographer.

I guess pretty much worth it to every now and then wake up early.