Let me just say up front, I do enjoy bacon and ribs and pork chops, heck, just about all the standard pig parts can be found on my list of most delicious foods.
It’s amusing to me that some people consider my dietary habits a sin.
Last week I was assigned the story of a mother pig who died and left 11 newborn piglets orphans. As is often the case when the topic is anything swine related, my first thought was, mmmm, luau.
The squeeling pack of future pork chops were actually pretty gosh darn cute.
I don’t use the word “adorable” very often, but I think I may have put it out there a couple of times that day.
The fair people were kind of weird towards us. We got the kind of reception that would have been more expected if we were trying to shoot inside of a mall.
Mall security and management are mostly cautious and often very un-accommodating towards news folks. . .unless it’s Christmas.
I have to mention my favorite quote of the day. From a maybe eight year old who was himself squealing with excitement.
“Look, a midget pig!”
It was just a completely ordinary day in news.
Nothing sad, nothing violent, nothing that might bring out the moody and depressed side of a news photographer.
Gee, with the violent demonstrations in Anaheim and the tragedy in Colorado, orphan piglets becomes an upbeat story.
That’s just how my perspective works.