More Gay Chicken

August 6, 2012 photog blogs
If all you wanted was a chicken sandwich on Friday, then you were out of luck at the Hollywood Chick-fil-A location.
Sure, it was possible to have a chicken sandwich or anything else on the menu, but you were absolutely getting a side of protest to go along with that.
I was just heading into work, but never even made it to the station when I got the call to go directly to Chick-fil-A because a “kiss-in” protest was being held.
We had a reporter and another photographer already at the location and they needed help.
It kind of sounded ominous. Well, not the kissing part, but the whole protest thing.
Thankfully, it wasn’t anything like the recent protests in Anaheim. The crowd at Chick-fil-A though heated and provoked at times, behaved themselves quite reasonably throughout the afternoon.
It’s not like I expect the world to change overnight, but it seems pretty obvious that homosexuality isn’t going anywhere.
Unfortunately, judging by the response from the “Support Chick-fil-A” day that had happened earlier in the week, the number of people who are willing to go out of their way to support an anti-homosexuality agenda seems every bit as determined.
With all the issues facing society in this country, and heck, the world, it puzzles me as to why educated people would choose to be intolerant of anything, let alone this.
Heck, I could understand being intolerant of serial killers.  There’s no two sides to that debate.
I’m not talking about promoting, liking or even having an opinion of one way or another.
I’m just saying, this shouldn’t matter. . .
. . .and yet, here is where I was.
So, at least twice last week a lot of people spent their time to protest one side or another because a rich and powerful man decided to state publicly a part of his religious beliefs.
I’m not interested in the debate. The world and my spiritual faith simply would never be so fragile.
Just my opinion, but I think hatred and intolerance do more to spoil society than any same sex relationship ever did.
With bills to pay, my family and generally all the twenty thousand things I need to get done every day, I’m way too busy to care one way or another what anyone else is doing or who they’re doing it with.
Today is Monday. I’m leaving for work soon and I hope there’s something new to cover.
Hmm, I kind of feel like now a lot of you aren’t really paying attention.
You’re just looking at that last picture aren’t you?