I did put my foot down and told them I would not do any driving live shots on the way to a breaker or any other unplanned event (That’s where my reporter trying to describe the scene of a fire nearly wiped out the car in the lane next to us, then nearly rear ended another car trying to drive, look, talk, and listen to the IFB.)
But even on stories where we know we’re going to be doing it, I still think it’s a safety issue. Most of the time it’s intros and tags, but in the case of our hits the other night, it was literally 2 minutes of "walk and talk" while we were driving.
It’s only a matter of time before we get in a wreck on live TV, and as big as that payday is going to be, I really don’t want to be the guy in the passenger seat when it happens.
Just curious on how others are handling this situation? I have come up with a possible solution using my GoPro mounted where the reporter doesn’t have to take their eyes off the road as a talent cam, and a video switcher I can control to switch to my camera that I’m pointing out the window.