Nashville and Charleston Crew Shoot for ESPN in Chapel Hill

September 10, 2012 photog blogs

UNC Chapel Hill HDX 900 GTT Go To Team espn Dave Baker Charleston Video Crews  video production camera crew

I just love it when I get to team up with other Go To Team crews on shoots.  This time I got to work with Charleston DP, Dave Baker and his trusty apprentice.  We met up at UNC Chapel Hill for an ESPN feature on football helmet technology and safety.

UNC Chapel Hill HDX 900 GTT Go To Team espn Dave Baker Charleston Video Crews  video production camera crew Both armed with HDX 900s we got cooking on our two-camera shoot.  We were given a pretty large room to work in.  After shooting the first interview Dave went out and shot some b-roll while I changed up the look for the second interview.  Given the fact that we shot two sit down interviews and b-roll, the day seemed to fly by.  It usually does when you’re having fun.