Nashville Crew Covers NCAA Women’s Golf Championship

September 17, 2012 photog blogs

XD CAM Roger Woodruff NCAA Nashville Golf Channel golf  video production camera crew

Franklin, TN hosted this year’s NCAA Division 1 Women’s Golf Championship.  I was shooting on the Sony F-800 XD-Cam.  For two days I shot highlights for the Golf Channel.

XD CAM Roger Woodruff NCAA Nashville Golf Channel golf  video production camera crew

NCAA Women’s Golf Individual Champion, Chirapat Jao-Javanil.

We bounced around the course following the individual leader and team leader.  The biggest challenge with shooting golf highlights has to be doing a ball follow.  Those little white balls can really give a cameraman a run for his money.  Eventually you get the hang of it.  It helps if you turn off the Zebra function and boost the contrast on your viewfinder.  You can thank me later for the tips.