Below VFR

November 2, 2012 photog blogs

Reassignments, maintenance and weather. These are few of my least favorite things,,,,, when it comes to spending time aboard my magic flying machine, Chopper 9. In fact I have not logged a single flight hour since Aug. of this year. One might call it a drought or bad luck. I call it refocusing.

The weeks leading up to this “drought” brought questions to whether I really wanted to continue with being a part of this program. Had I had enough of flying? Was I taking this gig for granted? Had it stopped being fun?

Then on my second to last day of that flight filled week in August brought a rather unusual shoot to my lap. It wasn’t news gathering but it was fun and it made me realize just how lucky and blessed I am to hold a position on the Chopper 9 Crew.

During these recents weeks of below VFR (Visual Flight Rules) I managed to play with some footage of that “fun” flight. I hope you enjoy.