Better smartphone photos

February 26, 2013 photog blogs

Sometimes somebody just says it so well, that you feel like sharing it, right?  So, check out this summary of a post on Mashable, that explores the best features of the photo app, Camera+.  Or better yet, watch the 2:00 tutorial by clicking on the image below.

Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 9.27.14 AM

The “Clarity” filter on the app is a personal favorite, and at a cost of 99 cents, it seems a small price to pay for better pics.  Sorry, though, still no version of the app for Android users.

 Allissa Richardson, from Bowie State University, does a lot of teaching about mobile newsgathering and she offers Snapseed as an alternative for Android phones.


According to Richardson, the students gave the app the highest of all possible praise, “They liked it better than Instagram.”  Snapseed is free for both Android and iOS.  Happy snapping!
