Website SNAFU

February 13, 2013 forum topics
I work in a bureau, so I check the competitions websites to see what they’ve been up to. And also to see if I missed anything…

A funny thing yesterday, I checked the competitions website, and I saw a link to a story. "Wow, I did that story yesterday…" I opened the link, and it was my story. My pkg that my reporter and I shot, with our stations logo on it.

This is weird, I saw another link to a story that I also shot. Two of my pkgs on the competitions website.

I called the EP, he went to their website and found it himself.

So it turns out, that there is a 3rd party company that manages their website, and they didn’t think that there was anything wrong in posting our stories on their website.

Their bureau photog, was none to pleased about this situation. But was cool to the ribbing I was giving him…