Charlotte crew teams up with Nascar & ESPN.

March 6, 2013 photog blogs

video crew NASCAR Now HDX900 HD video crew GTT Go To Team espn Dumville charlotte video crew  video production camera crew

I teamed up with ESPN again last week to shoot some live hits for the NASCAR Now show. I met our live truck and talent Andy Petree at Andy’s shop in Huntersville NC.  I quickly evaluated the lighting options and began setting up. The shop had lots of windows so I went with my Kinos’s and HMI kit to make life easy on myself. After Andy gave his predictions fot  Nationwide race we were wrapped and the shot looked great! I was able to pop an HMI on a car in the back of the shop just to add some texture and presto. It was great working with Andy and ESPN as always! Now off to shoot House Hunters in VA!

video crew NASCAR Now HDX900 HD video crew GTT Go To Team espn Dumville charlotte video crew  video production camera crew