A Grand Day at the Prix, Long Beach

April 22, 2013 photog blogs

I never even did a live shot on Friday, but it was a long grueling day anyway. I don’t even remember why I was on the dayside shift. I just show up when they tell me to show up.


The day started in downtown Los Angeles and wound up on Pine Street in Long Beach.


Dave Lopez and I were covering the increased security at public events. This prompeted by the bombing at the Boston Marathon.


Heck, even with a pretty busy weekend all around Los Angeles, it was probably one of the safest weekends to be out and about.


It turned into a pretty interesting day. We cut our piece and stood by waiting to go live for a couple of hours because of the impending arrest of the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.


Granted there are tougher ways to make a living. Standing around and waiting for word that we were clear from all shows was more mentally stressful than physical.

We were ready to go live during the 4pm newscast. The station cleared us to go home about 5:50pm.

I had the mast down, the gear packed away and was driving off by 6:20pm, ready to start my weekend (sigh) and here we are on Monday already.

I’m glad they caught the bombers, let’s see what this week brings.