The infamous Walkie-Lookie photo

April 13, 2013 photog blogs

walkie-lookieSince this photo of NBC’s “Walkie-Lookie” camera that was built by RCA for the 1952 Republican and Democratic national conventions is a popular Facebook photo among certain groups…it would only be fair to history to identify the poor engineer saddled with the 50 pound backpack.

His name is Sal Benza and was a field engineer for NBC.

As for the camera itself, it was christened the “creepie-peepie” by its users….probably since with 50 pounds on your back, you will be doing more creeping along than actual walking. If you are really curious about the camera, there was an article about it in the RCA Broadcast News September 1952 issue and American Radio History has a copy of that magazine online.