Not My Mayor

May 22, 2013 photog blogs

(I live in Hawthorne.  We have our own damn Mayor.)

Right now I wish somebody named Bob Smith was running for Mayor of Los Angeles because I just don’t feel like looking up how to spell Wendy Greuel or Eric Garcetti correctly.

I think I got Greuel right, but only because I have a shot of her signs that decorated her election night headquarters.

At this point, I think I better make sure I can spell Garcetti.


That’s where I was in the trendiest heart of downtown Los Angeles.


Yeah, well, parked in a dirty stinking alley, but still, one of the trendiest dirty stinky alleys in LA.


Our cable run (fiber, BOO-YAA!) was down the alley, up three flights, down a hallway and across to the front of the building, then dropped down to the overcrowded camera platform.


It was a relatively easy run.


I questioned the choice of speaker placement, but these kind of things happen to us all the time.


We were only a two man crew and worked with Serene Branson.  Our day started at 11am and finished out at 1:15am.


Could have been worse.


I did my regular SNG duty and also a little light editing.  The folks who were on the media platform were there from our first hit at 4pm through every show up to and including the 11pm newscast.


An assignment like this has a built in air of excitement, but I wasn’t expecting Wendy Greuel to win.


Covering the losing side in an election is never quite as exciting.

Plus, they never feed the media.

To be fair, it’s worse when food is made available to the media for sale.  That just feels like they’re adding insult to injury.


Just one other quick observation.  The venue was near the hotel where a murdered woman’s body was found in the hotel’s water supply.

Hip and trendy residents of the area kept asking why so many media trucks were in the alley.

“Did they find another body?”

With all seriousness, I was absolutely obligated to tell them.

“Yes.  Yes they did.”

Yeah, I love my job.