Atlanta Crews Shoots NCAA Women’s Golf

June 26, 2013 photog blogs

Jimmy and Joel had been up in Athens all week, and I joined them on Friday to shoot some golf and follow that little white ball. I’ve got to say, following that ball is a very difficult task.  Hanging out on the golf course and shooting is always a fun day. I got my tan on, rode around in a golf cart and shot some talented ladies.  I always feel the need to hit the driving range after shooting golf (that’s because I can’t actually play a round of golf and just like to smash the balls).  It’s kind of amazing what you can learn just by watching – I can actually hit a ball straight!

After the day, Southern Cali swept the tournament and took the gold.  I shot the trophy awards while Jimmy grabbed some stand-ups with the winning team.  We fed the footage back to HQ at the end of the day and we all headed our separate ways. Until next time –


-Jeff M

Souther California NCAA Jeff McGovern golf Atlanta Video Crew Atlanta  video production camera crew