Beautiful and the Gallery

March 31, 2014 photog blogs
I’m not sure of I “get it” when it comes to a lot of fine art. Sometimes in rare moments of clarity I can be found appreciating an artists efforts, even if I might miss the point entirely of the artists intent.
This past weekend, my lovely wife, had the opportunity to show a couple of her most recent art projects at a gallery show at a home in the View Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.
The gallery space itself was actually pretty awesome. The dark grey walls and unfinished floor provided a vibe that was creative and exceeded my expectations.
The pieces that Dellis has been working on are a part of a series that seemed to resonate well with the visitors to the gallery and it was pretty freaking cool to see her brightly colored works hanging on the grey gallery walls.
I’m digging the fact that her artistic efforts are being so well received, but I tread carefully in my comments.
Control freak that I am, it’s always difficult to be balanced in my reaction in a way that doesn’t influence artistic efforts.
I’ve learned from past experiences that my attempts to be supportive should be limited to mild forms of vocal praise and positive endorsement through social media.
Apparently, I’m too close to the delicate nature of the creative process and my intent to encourage and support can way too easily be misinterpreted.
I find myself simply getting on the way of my wife’s artistic process.

Maybe it would be easier for me if all my creative family members followed my lead in regards to accepting input or criticism.
I mostly just nod my head so people know I’m listening and then just do what I care to do.
Thankfully, we are all individuals and not all alike. Heh-heh, not at all alike. That’s very clear in our artistic tastes and temperament.
Do we change that which we observe? I dunno. Maybe.
It’s a Schroedinger’s cat dilemma in which I can only hope to see a positve outcome by smiling and nodding my head in an agreeable manner, then moving quickly to look at someone else’s work.
Trying not to metaphorically kill the cat as I comment.
“I know what I like. I like these. Very cool.”