Flipout LCD Panel Repair

July 29, 2014 forum topics
I have a consumer DV camera for home use but I’m sure the mechanics & design of the flipout LCD screen are the same or very similar to a pro system. Shortly before it completely went out and the screen was fully deployed, the image scrambled & froze. But when opened half-way or 45 degrees or less, it still worked fine but would go out if you extended outward beyond that point. It could also still do the 180 to flip the screen outward and then back into the camera’s body while viewing it. Shortly after though, it completely went out when deployed in any orientation.

Before I open the body or screen bezel to try to fix it, can anyone explain what I can expect to find and what to avoid to prevent further damage? Are these screens powered and supplied with a picture by an integrated ribbon cable, spring loaded pins, friction points or what? Thanks.