As you read these, play the words to the the Dos Equis commercial in your head, while reading the lines with the deep TV commercial voice. If you are not familiar with these popular commercials, well, go watch some on and all of these ramblings will make more sense!!!
He once shot a one hour documentary….in 15 minutes
When a producer asks for a shot….he’s already shot it
He once shot 45 minutes of video….on a 30 minute tape
He can white balance a camera….with a black piece of paper
He once recharged a camera battery….by placing it on his lap
Producers ask to carry his tripod….and his camera
He can shoot HD footage….on a Betacam
He can rewind a videotape….with his tongue
He’s the most interesting cameraman alive….
"….I seldom do half days, but when I do, I get off earlier and get paid the same as a full day….stay thirsty my friends…."