Thinking a Nanoflash might be in my future.

May 31, 2012 forum topics
I know I run the freelance life a little different from others. I work to keep my overhead low while still getting "good" gigs mixed in with the average gigs.

Recently, I was approached to do a good paying shoot…but they wanted it in SD. Here’s the point some may want to chide me a bit but…I don’t like to rent cameras for jobs. It’s just the way I am.

Yes, I’m shooting my personal EX3 which I have set up very well as it is…but when this SD shoot crossed my horizon, it once again made me think of the possible investment in a Nanoflash recorder.

I know there are other brands to choose from. I’m still a bit of an old school guy who prefers proven products. I’m willing to spend a little more to get something with a proven track record, over the rush to save pennies on something lesser.

I’m not completely convinced 4.2.2 is that big of an advantage over 4.2.0, yet…I would like to have all those extra options available to me in certain circumstances.

Yes, I’d already wondered about just renting a Nanoflash for the day but…I’d prefer to own my own. It’s the best way for me to really get to know a piece of gear and have confidence in it.

I visit a few other forums but, frankly, I feel there are a lot of posers out there who will talk big about something they really don’t know about based on real world experience. It’s why I ask my question to those who stop by here from time to time.

I’m looking at pulling the trigger on something like this, not tomorrow but, in the next month.

Any thoughts or experienced guidance you can offer is much appreciated. 😉