Nashville Crew Spends the Day at Siemens PET/MR Scanner Manufacturing Facility

June 13, 2012 photog blogs

synaptic digital siemens medical pet/mr scanners Knoxville CEO Britta fuenfstueck  video production camera crew

With a HDX 900 at my side I headed out to Knoxville for Synaptic Digital.  I spent the day shooting Siemens PET/MR scanners and other technology at their manufacturing plant.  After shooting every aspect of the complicated machines we shifted gears and started to set up for an interview with Siemens CEO, Britta Fuenfstueck.

synaptic digital siemens medical pet/mr scanners Knoxville CEO Britta fuenfstueck  video production camera crew

Siemens CEO, Britta Fuenfstueck.


After the interview we packed all the gear up except for the camera and sticks.   It turns out that there were still a few more shots to get.  However, the producer had to catch a flight back to New York.  No biggy, we said our good byes, got the remaining shots, and then shipped them out via Fedex.  By the time our producer gets to her office the next morning that final tape will be waiting for her.  Don’t you just love a happy ending?