The Next Big Thing

May 12, 2012 photog blogs
My lovely wife Dellis and I flew to Arizona yesterday to attend a book signing of “The Eight-Fingered Criminal” by William R. (Buzz) Snyder.

I actually have a few friends who have gone the extra mile and put down into words the thoughts that have been swirling around in their heads.  I’m going to try to mention them all on my blog in the next several weeks, but while it’s fresh in my mind, here’s a quick look at the cover of my good friend’s collection of short stories.


The eight-fingered criminal was his absentee father and the short story collection focuses on Buzz’s growing up in the South Bay section of Los Angeles during the late sixties through the early eighties.

His book will make you laugh and has the kind of heart that I think everyone can appreciate.

“The Eight-Fingered Criminal’s Son” is available in print and as an e-book through Amazon.