Cheap Android Tablets As Teleprompters

July 4, 2012 forum topics
I know that many are using the iPads with iTouches/iPhones as teleprompters. With the flood of cheap Android tablets, is anyone testing the waters with one?

I did pick up a cheap 7 inch tablet for my mom, but plan to borrow it for the Go Pro App, when it ever comes out. I did load a teleprompter app, Datavideo’s. It’s one of the few versions that allows copy and paste. It can be used with a mirror. It can be controlled via bluetooth. Sadly, most cheap tablets don’t have BT. I don’t see this as a deal killer, but BT on cheaper tablets would be nice.

I did do a quick test. It seems that it would work. I did look around Amazon, and did found a few mounts that could be modified to mount on the camera, or a C-Stand.

If you are using one, how are you mounting, size of screen, software, and control.
