Mobile study offers newsroom opportunities

December 11, 2012 photog blogs

More than a third of people with tablets and smartphones use them to get the news, according to a new study from the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

What’s particularly heartening is the demographic breakdown of that mobile audience.  It appears to be somewhat of an equal opportunity platform.

Though the PEJ study notes gaps between men and women and the more highly educated vs. the less so, it’s striking that news consumption never falls below 30% for any demo other than those 65+ on their smartphones.


In mobile, TV journalists still have an opportunity to find audience that isn’t consuming their nightly newscasts. For example, the study finds that men and younger people — some of the toughest demos to get in TV news — are frequent viewers of video via mobile.

Of course, getting demos and getting dollars are sometimes two different things, but PEJ offers some thoughts on mobile revenue opportunities as well.
