Pope Tour 2005

March 9, 2013 photog blogs

There’s way too frustration in my life right now. I’m taking a deep breath and really trying to not let any of my relatively minor problems get in the way of me sharing some words and pictures.

So, the big news is that I may or may not be leaving this weekend (update: yee-haa, I’m going). The plan is for me to accompany Paul Magers and Sylvia Lopez to Rome to cover the selection of a new Pope. Cool. I was pretty lucky to have had the opportunity to score two Pope assignments back in 2005.

I was in Rome for the funeral of Pope John Paul. . .


. . .and I was in Cologn, Germany for Pope Benedict and World Youth Day. The pictures in this post are all from the Germany trip.


A lot of news photographers don’t care to travel.
Me, I’ve always subscribed to the totally mongoose motto of “run and find out”.
Well, okay, maybe I “run and snap a picture” more than I ever really “find out” anything. . .
. . .but traveling to historical events is a big reason why I’ve stuck with news.
Seeing a bazillion young people camped out in the wet and cold German fields that hosted World Youth Day in August of that year was just amazing.
Seeing the recently selected Pope Benedict (yup, that’s him in the car) just makes for priceless memories that add to the adventurous nature of my job.
You know, I like the idea that I’ll have a few good stories to tell someday (to anybody who’ll listen) when I’m too old to go see things for myself.
And then, if I live long enough for even the memories to fade, I’ll still have a photograph or two to show where I’ve been.
I gotta go finish packing. Wish me a safe journey and keep your fingers crossed that I have time to take a photo or two.