As the well, default historian I guess for the first 50-60 years or so of newsreel and later TV news photography…I’m always on the lookout for existing interviews and articles by photogs and soundmen who worked in that era to file away in my archives.
One that has come across my desk as of late is an interview given by Ted Genock, a former Paramount News newsreel cameraman in 1957 in the Journal of the University Film Producers Association. In it, he gives advice on how to shoot news…some of it timeless…as well as his opinions on then current state of TV news.
Its free to signup for an account with JSTOR to read Genock’s full interview – one doesn’t need to be associated with a university, just put down that you are a private researcher.
Since one gets three free articles with an account, as a bonus, there is also a 1954 article written by WCCO photog Bob Shafer explaining WCCO’s news gathering operation and one by KTTV’s then news director Bob Allison regarding the same subject at his station on the same site.