NPPA Survey

May 15, 2014 forum topics

NPPA is launching a survey among many visual journalists in the U.S. next week, and I hope we can count on your help. As a former member of NPPA you may wonder what you can share with us that would be of value to us and will help you in the future.

My answer is simply "Everything."

We know that visual journalism has gone through tumultuous times—we don’t need a survey to tell us that. What we DO need a survey to tell us are the real angles of the story—how changes over time have affected your career, how your experiences from NPPA met your needs, why you dropped membership.

My job at NPPA is to sustain what NPPA has done well, and to build new capabilities that will carry us forward into the future as an association and a profession. If we focused solely on the professionals who have been with us for years, we would only know half the story. Your voice will effectively provide us with the other half.

If you can support this effort, you need do nothing at this time. You will see another message from me soon sharing with you a link to an online survey. If you cannot help us by participating in the survey, please let us know by clicking Remove from list. This will ensure that you don’t receive an invitation or any reminders to participate.

Of course, if you have any questions regarding NPPA or updates to your contact information, please reply to this email or share your comment here: Corrections to Your NPPA Record. We will be back in touch with an answer to your questions soon.

Thank you for your support of our efforts today. I hope we have an opportunity to stay in touch, and to serve you as a future member of NPPA or simply as one of many in this critical profession.

Charles "Chip" Deale, CAE
Executive Director

This is not a thread to bash the NPPA, (although I have been known to start bashing a NPPA thread whenever I see one). I am posting this to anyone who received this by email. I encourage you to fill out the survey and let them have it. I know nothing will change and it’s a big waste of time but I feel that if the NPPA is taking the effort to create a survey those of us who received it should tell them the reality of today’s environment in TV news.

Like I have said before I believe the NPPA has dropped the ball in their quest for some standards in Video Journalism and I for one look forward to letting them know in this survey. This also goes out to the (pro NPPA) people, you know the kool aid drinkers. Be honest and let the NPPA know how far the standards have dropped. Of course this is a valiant effort to bring members back to the NPPA because I am sure despite what certain members say on this site, membership is way, way down.