WIN by Creating a Commercial for

July 30, 2009 lead

cage-photo-220We have some prizes to give away, and we want to give them to YOU.

The folks at ENGcage want to give you a FREE in-truck camera cage. ($850 value)

But wait! There’s MORE!

mb210bThe folks at ProSource want to give you a FREE VOCAS MB-210 Matte Box. ($600 value)

What would you give for a chance to win these prizes? 30 seconds? 60 seconds?

That’s all it takes! Shoot and edit a 30 to 60 second commercial for Put the ShamWow guy to shame, and show us your creativity, salesmanship and sense of humor.

The rules are simple. Entries must be less than 60 seconds and PG rated. That’s it. Keep the FORUM rules in mind.

First place wins an ENGcage and second place wins a VOCAS Matte Box from ProSource.

b-roll-oldtvUpload your best clip from now until 11pm Eastern Time, July 31 at TV.  Registered “b-rollers” will vote on their favorite from July 31 until August 14, 2009. We’ll announce the winner as soon as the votes are tabulated.

Entering this CONTEST works just like the AWARDS. For the basics on how to enter your clip in the CONTEST, check out these instructions.

Thanks to our sponsors for helping us have a little FUN.

engcage prosource

Here are some hi-res graphic files you can use in your commercial.

Photoshop File with Elements

Photoshop File with Elements

Keyable PNG logo

Key-able PNG logo


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