Shooter Sites
With the big UFC fight between Jones and Evans looming, their intense workout in Atlanta was open for the press. I headed down with my trusty HDX 900 and Nano Flash to cover the workout for ESPN. I couldn’t wait for this shoot! The workout was at the Georgia State gym in Atlanta. The first […]
Read More →You’ve probably heard these job hunting tips before — Google yourself to see what a future employers might find and apply SEO techniques to the content you want them to find. Get yourself a portfolio site, even if it’s a simple WordPress or page. But, Matt Thompson of NPR has a bit more advice for journalism grads seeking work right now. Writing for SPJ’s Quill magazine, Thompson suggests 10 things he’s looking for in applicants, and here are three you may not have considered before now. 1. Read differently the skills listed in a job description. Thompson says you should, “Highlight the ones that apply most strongly to you, and underline the ones that pose a bit of a problem. In your cover letter and interview, I’m going to want you to emphasize the former and give me reasons not to be concerned about the latter.” 2. Your cover letter should tell two stories. “First, as concisely as you can, tell me the story of how your experiences have shaped you for this position. Then, with similar economy, tell me the story of what you’ll do with this position if you land it.” 3. Beware the online application systems. […]
Read More →Many of you know Gary Sinise as Lieutenant Dan, the gung-ho Army Lieutenant who loses both of his legs in the Classic film Forest Gump, but what you probably don’t know is that he plays bass guitar in a band named after Lieutenant Dan. I recently had the opportunity to go on tour with Gary Sinise for a shoot […]
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