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Here we go again. Two more journalists have learned lessons the hard way. If they thought their personal lives were somehow separate from their professional lives, they’ve had to think again. And while the two cases were vastly different, the outcome was the same. Both journalists lost their jobs. Lesson 1: What you post on your personal Facebook page is not private. Duluth news director Jason Vincent was on vacation when he posted that a “drunk, homeless, Native American man” was on his list of ‘animals’ that had wandered into his yard. It didn’t take long for the word–and the outrage–to spread. Vincent quickly apologized and deleted the post. The station, KQDS, said it did not condone his behavior and was truly sorry the incident happened. But within days Vincent was out of a job. Lesson 2: If you get story ideas because of what you do outside of work, tell your employer where the stories come from. Jason Volentine reported that an atheist group wanted a Michigan town to remove a church and cross from its city seal. But he never disclosed he had a connection to the group. When his bosses at WXMI in Grand Rapids found out, Volentine was out of a job. […]
Read More →Posing for pictures aboard the Gripsholm. Leo Rossi filming the group with an Eyemo in hand while Charlie Mack is waving his hat. I suspect this was taken on or around December 1, 1943 for that was the date the Gripsholm docked in New York with 1223 Americans and 217 Canadians repatriated in exchange for […]
Read More →A decade and a half back I did the unthinkable. I willingly returned to the world of NEWS. It was not an easy decision. After all, I knew what the job entailed: unsavory hours, less than stellar pay, the numbing grind of constant deadline. Just a few r…
Read More →A decade and a half back I did the unthinkable. I willingly returned to the world of NEWS. It was not an easy decision. After all, I knew what the job entailed: unsavory hours, less than stellar pay, the numbing grind of constant deadline. Just a few r…
Read More →Every time I shoot for with Cadillacs I have a great day. This time was no different. I headed down to Atlanta to cover the Cadillac Drive Experience for one of their Middle Eastern clients. The best part was I got to shoot on the Canon 5D. I love working with this camera. General Motors […]
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