Shooter Sites
I think a crazy person might be stalking me. Hopefully he doesn’t read my blog and won’t see that I’ve taken to calling him (or her. . .aww, heck, we know it’s a dude) “crazy person”.I found this note on my news van recently. It was stuffed into the …
Read More →I think a crazy person might be stalking me. Hopefully he doesn’t read my blog and won’t see that I’ve taken to calling him (or her. . .aww, heck, we know it’s a dude) “crazy person”.I found this note on my news van recently. It was stuffed into the …
Read More →If there’s one thing I remember the most, back when I was dying to break into the television production business in the early 90′s, it was this: I distinctly recall wishing there was a place I could go, where many of the production mentors I admired the most would be gathered, all in one place, […]
A while back I watched a television director’s symposium online. There, gathered before me were the immensley talented live directors of the network morning shows, the nightly news, even the director of SNL. They were discussing the business of directing live television; it’s history, some of the real “game changing” moments, funny stories from the trenches, etc. Towards the end […]