Shooter Sites
FOX Sports recently sent Atlanta based Director of Photography Tom Wells to travel to London and Manchester, UK to shoot segments for what became the first EPL game ever to broadcast live on US Television. While there Tom shot interviews with the Clubs Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea, as well as scenics of London and […]
Read More →…took about the time it took to walk up the ramp and board the USS Makin Island at her berth in Pearl Harbor. Now here is where I should insert swashbuckling tales of past experiences on the ocean and all of my adventures. Um…no. Embarrassing as it is to admit, all of my time in […]
Look at an anthill. Very regimented. Each little individual has its place in the ant universe. Find food and take it back to the hill. Feed the Queen Ant. Be a good little soldier ant. But they have no brains…they run on instinct, as do all insects. And the different species feed on each other. […]
Bag enough happenstance and you quickly forget to care. It’s not a conscious decision, mind you, but a defensive reflex: a way TV news photogs and other such third responders cope with the constant barrage of froth and atrocity. Most of us aren’t as ca…
Read More →Bag enough happenstance and you quickly forget to care. It’s not a conscious decision, mind you, but a defensive reflex: a way TV news photogs and other such third responders cope with the constant barrage of froth and atrocity. Most of us aren’t as ca…
Read More →I always love it when I get the chance to work for non-profits. It’s nice to give back to the community. This time I was working for Thistle Farms. Thistle Farms is an organization that helps women who have survived lives of violence, prostitution and addiction. In return for providing homes for these women they […]
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