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I know you all have had this kind of day, so sorry for venting... but here it goes. I'm out with a reporter in a live truck, and it's 4:00 pm. We get the call that there is a horrible accident involving a semi and 9 cars with at least 1 fatal. Now this is the third time our story has changed in the last 2 hours, but it's breaking news, so away we go.

I get to the scene, and with the help of the highway patrol, I'm able to drive on the wrong side of the freeway to access this very bad accident. It is now 5:00 pm and they want a live shot before the end of the show. Mind you, I had to drive 20 miles through a major trafic backup to get there, as well as wait for DPS to clear me onto the highway. So I'm on scene I get the shot up, do the live shot, shoot plenty of b-roll, witnesses, PIO and the whole nine yards. I also do a live picture at 6. Now comes the fun part.

I call the desk and ask if they need anything else. I tell them what we have, and they say that is good enough, you are clear. The reporter and I leave. I gas up the truck and put it away, and as I walk into the newsroom, I'm told they are pissed off that we left. The producer lays into me about how I should have known this was a big story and I should have called him personally to let him know what was going on out there. I should have known this was going to be the lead at 10, why did I come back, blah, blah, blah.

I told him that I DID call and was told by the desk it was okay to clear, and that it was not my fault that the newsroom does not communicate. I also asked him why he did not call me sometime during the 2 1/2 hours I was up there and ask me to stay and wait to be relieved. Clearly this was a big story during the early evening shows, enough so that we did several hits from the ground and helicopter. So why am I getting bitched at so long after the fact.

It is very frustrating because I busted my ass trying to do all the right things. How can I be blamed for leaving when I asked to do so and was told to clear. It is a prime example of too many chefs in the kitchen. These producers and assignment desk people at our shop don't talk to each other, so the left hand never knows what the right hand is doing. But who gets the blame when things go wrong? Why is it that the person who did all the work is getting the ass chewing?

I know this is long, so thanks for letting me vent. This is why you get grumpy photogs. We deal with people who never set foot outside the building other than for lunch, and they have no idea what the word communication means. And it is always the fault of the field crew regardless of their own complete incompetence. The good thing is that my boss is totally behind me on this, and told me I did exactly what I was supposed to do. But there is nothing like a good bitching at the end of a very long day!


Well-known member
You need to talk to someone about that. You did what you were supposed to the newsroom and ask what the plan was. Just because the brain-trust back in the newsroom doesn't communicate shouldn't put you in trouble.

Talk to your CP, EP, AND, ND, whoever you think can address this problem best.

Trust me, we've ALL been through that.


Well-known member
Why was the producer yelling at you? the producer is not your boss. your ND, AND, or EP, whichever one you have, should be the one calling the shots. i wouldnt sweat it.

Natural Born Stringer

Well-known member

I know what wreck you're talking about, heard it on the scanner as it went out. Nasty, nasty, nasty. You'd think people would learn to slow down and pay attention. Typical AZ drivers...

As for what happened after, screw the stays-in-the-cool-AC-and-feels-important producer. Of course you knew it would lead at 10. Anyone with a pulse knew that, but that's why your station has more than one reporter and one photog! Besides, you cleared at what, 6:30? The accident happened at 4 something, all the patients were transported out well before you cleared, and we all know the fatal isn't going anywhere for many, many hours. So my question to mr dickweed producer would've been "WTF is gonna happen between now and 10 that I gotta hang out in the 100+ degree heat for?! Is Elvis gonna beam down from a Cadillac UFO and tell the world he's Jesus Christ or something? NO! You've got your pictures, you've got your truck so you can send the next guy back out there and do your dog-lick live and the scene will sustain all damn night, so piss off! I'm done for the day!" I don't know what it is about this market that makes these dickheads think we gotta sacrifice our personal time because they didn't properly staff and prepare. Yet, these are the same pinheads who bitch when people start pulling overtime... And people wonder why I won't take a staff gig out here. Wonder no more.

Hang in there. This isn't the first time and you know it won't be the last either.


Well-known member
IMO...Don't worry about it. I have been blamed for many things that someone else is to blame for. This buisness is full of finger pointers. (hell, I think I just pointed a finger myself). Let it's good to vent...but at the end of the day there are more important things to worry about...dinner, how's the wife's day going, can't wait to see the kids etc. Tomorrow is another day. Rest in peace knowing you were right and get on with it. I have found that we in this business don't really hold a grudge that long. Stay cool out there...your friend from C'bus.


This is a prime case of why we sometimes get the "I don't care anymore" additude.

This is totaly the desks fault. Desk by nature is your leason to the newsroom and by getting, "you are clear" they have done their job. The job of coordinating news crews. It's not your fault if they don't do it correctly.


Don't worry about it.

You communicated as you should.

They are the ones who dropped the ball.

If they want to make an issue out of it, take a trip to see the ND and let them sort it out.

The desk and/or the producer need to work on doing their own jobs better.

You did just fine.

Get some rest!

Mighty Dyckerson

Well-known member
Mr. White, maybe if you'd used your brain, you would've known to stay on the scene anyway. If you knew it was a bad idea, why didn't YOU communicate it to someone else?? You deserved the chewing out.


Mighty oh Mighty.
How many chiefs should Mr. White personally call? How many of us get an "all clear" and then say, "I had better ask a couple of more managers before I leave." Supposedly the desk is getting it's info from the EP.
I saw the 10 PM report from the scene. The night side crew had no problem getting an even closer vantage point than Mr. White had.
Mr. White didn't think it was that big of a deal 2 1/2 hours after the fact. Yes, it was fatal and the road remained closed. I had already aquired all the sound and video. If it was that important, why didn't they send the night crew immediately. Why wait until 7:00 pm to send a night crew for a 10 pm live? It was an important story for the early shows as it affected a lot of traffic. But after that it was a non story and an empty highway.

By the way, you could not have got closer than I did, as I was the only one who contacted DPS and was allowed officialy to enter the highway and park next to the tape. Channel 3 did but they followed me ten minutes later and without DPS permission. I would also point out that I had NO problem staying there as long as they needed me to, and in fact, I could have used the OT. Since nothing was going on, I thought I should ask if they wanted me there or not. I was told to leave, and I assumed that was coming from a bunch of people who are literally 10 feet apart, talking with each other and making educated decisions.

To add to the scenario, when I was originally dispatched to the scene, I immediately high-tailed it up there. Five minutes after the call, I phoned the desk to ask if the helicopter was up and what they thought my best route would be (I was 20 miles away). A Different AE answered and I asked if highway 51 was blocked. He said, "We are already sending a crew". I was confused, and then told him that I WAS THE CREW! Two AE's sitting next to each other and they don't know who they sent? Classic.

But I guess "Mighty" is right. I deserved the ass chewing. Why should I expect supposed professionals to do their jobs? After all, they might have missed their dinner. I should have stayed there and watched the grass grow. Live and learn. I'm moving on now... next...


Well-known member
What I don't understand is if it was SO IMPORTANT to stay, why didn't they talk to the REPORTER? He or she obviously has the NEWS JUDGEMENT to decide whether it was absolutely neccesary to stay or not...yet YOU get chewed out?

The producer should ALWAYS give the crew in the field the benefit of the doubt...afterall, they are the EYES and EARS on the scene.

'Gotta hate the bureaucracy, too.


Well-known member
Next time? Point straight at the assignment desk person who told you that you were clear and say loud enough that they hear you: "[Joe Schmoe] there TOLD me to leave. Go talk to them about this! YOU communicate with THEM!"

If they don't get it after that, it's their own damn fault.



Well-known member
Mr.White you did the correct thing. It was the desk that screwed it up. KPNX ? I use to work at that station. It seems every station has this problem. We have the same problem here in Houston. It`s funny when I call my desk to tell them about spot news going on,and another manager will call me back and say "We have breaking news can you go to ......" Hello I just told you guys about it. Wake up back at the station. Our newsroom is wide open to everyone,but with communicattion it seems to be walls everywhere. Good luck and stay cool this summer.

Wally Crow-ktp (Keep the passion)


Active member
Document everything you were told. Send a copy to the EP and ND. You keep a copy also. News rooms live and die by documentation of situations such as yours. Good luck. Oh yeah give the Chief Photographer one also....


Active member
Document everything you were told. Send a copy to the EP and ND. You keep a copy also. News rooms live and die by documentation of situations such as yours. Good luck. Oh yeah give the Chief Photographer one also....


Active member
Document everything you were told. Send a copy to the EP and ND. You keep a copy also. News rooms live and die by documentation of situations such as yours. Good luck. Oh yeah give the Chief Photographer one also....


Active member
Document everything you were told. Send a copy to the EP and ND. You keep a copy also. News rooms live and die by documentation of situations such as yours. Good luck. Oh yeah give the Chief Photographer one also....
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